In some organization which have some compliance requirements due to certification (e.g. ISO27001, etc.) able to be process-compliant and getting stuff done need to be accomplished at the same time, isn't that the case? So work with what makes sense applies.

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Yeah, but this is a point that I make about sometimes you have to follow 'Wagile' for example when you are working with government... Instead of complaining about it, we should just get on with it and do the things needed for the business and our customers

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There will always be people who try to interpret some practice the way they want

- Interactions over documentation -> No docs!

- Bias for action -> Do things without thinking!

Much better to focus on the end goal, not on being compliant with a process.

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Funny how things come around. Agile was supposed to fix all the shortcomings of waterfall, and mind you, there were a lot. But now in what feels like a "pursuit of velocity at all costs" mindset, waterfall suddenly sounds like a good place to visit after a solid hike along the project planning trail.

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Saved to read for the weekend

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